Conveyor Belt Support Products Eliminate Spillage And Increase Productivity
Product Types Used Transfer Point Solutions , Chute Structure
Industry Power Generation
Customer Coal-Fired Power Plant in Southern US


Martin offers transfer point products to support and align conveyor belts.

Handling tons of PRB coal, the plant was having problems with dust and spillage at their conveyor transfer points. This material loss was costing the plant money in the forms of lack of productivity, potential regulatory agency fines and the cost of man hours to clean it up.


With the addition of transfer point products, material spillage is prevented as well as the escape of airborne dust.

The plant reached out to Martin Engineering to help eliminate dust and spillage. Over the last few years, the plant had worked with Martin to upgrade six transfer points with great results. Martin provided transfer point upgrades utilizing the new EVO® Modular Chute Wall System.


Modular components make it easy to install transfer point skirtboards and stilling zones to manage air flow and control dust.

The new transfer point technology has eliminated dust and spillage.


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