Use the power of compressed air to keep the interior walls of kilns, silos, hoppers and chutes free of obstructions.
When bulk material builds up inside kilns, silos, bins, hoppers, chutes and other equipment and stops flowing due to obstructions and ratholes, the best way to keep it moving is with an air cannon manufactured by Martin Engineering. Air cannons are highly effective with materials like coal, cement and aggregate, especially if they retain even small amounts of moisture and become sticky.
At Martin, we offer a line of air cannons that ensures you’ll find one that fits your needs, whether your application requires powerful bursts of air every few seconds to products that deliver shorter more frequent bursts. We also offer multi-valve products that discharge at up to five delivery points through pipes or hoses to accommodate tight spaces.
Our technicians and engineers are available to provide expert advice and assistance on these products and all of your bulk material handling questions and problems. Please contact us today and let us help!
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- Prevent buildup inside kilns, silos, hoppers and chutes
- Eliminate unscheduled downtime for cleaning interior container walls
- Break up bottlenecks and obstructions inside chutes
- Eliminate the need to manually clean buildup from inside kilns and hoppers
- Protect workers from high-temperature environments
- Generate higher throughput and boost profitability
- Reduce costs of unexpected housekeeping and maintenance
- Save money due to lower cost of ownership

Air Cannons - Prepare Now & Save Later
If you know you’ll need to install air cannon nozzles down the road, take advantage of scheduled downtime by installing new flanges. Once they’re installed, they can easily be sealed until you’re ready to upgrade to new equipment. Plus, we’ll provide the flanges and installation kit at no cost!
Get Your Free Installation Kits Now
Free Engineering and Application Assistance
Our technicians have solved problems for people in your industry all over the world. Take advantage of our wealth of knowledge. Tell us about your situation today to learn how Martin can improve your performance, safety and bottom line - with no obligation. We want to ensure that you choose the right solution for your exact needs and we are willing to invest the time upfront to get it right the first time.
Briefly Describe Your Application
We've solved your problem somewhere before!
While your problem seems unique and frustrating, with 70+ years of solving similar problems around the world, and with the most experienced and educated people on our teams, we can assure you that we’ve “Been There, Done That.” At least close enough to know what needs to be done next and adjust for your situation.
Put Us To The Test For Free! Let Us Give You a Solution.