Foundations™ Operations & Maintenance and Operations & Maintenance Plus Training
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Our new Operations & Maintenance Plus workshop expands upon our existing Operations and Maintenance course. This class is developed for companies who not only want a highly skilled workforce but also want to experience the full benefits of improved conveyor performance. This hybrid course incorporates class room teachings, hands-on refreshers, and conveyor surveys with action plans.
- Two-day course
- Day 1: 6-8 hours in the classroom
- Day 2: On-site, 3-4 conveyor walkdown with instructor, attendees, and management
Martin Engineering’s Foundations™ Operations & Maintenance Workshop teaches plant operations and maintenance personnel (and their managers) about the belt conveyors used in bulk materials handling.
Participants in the Operations & Maintenance Workshop learn how conveyors work, how to make them run better and more efficiently and how to work safely around them. The concept of “Total Material Control” and how it benefits a plant's operations is highlighted.
- One-day, six- to eight-hour training period
- Second-day program is available
The Foundations™ Operations & Maintenance Seminars are intended for operations and maintenance personnel who are charged with working on and around belt conveyors and for the supervisors and managers of these personnel. The workshop is well-suited for 10 to 30 participants with varied job responsibilities and levels of experience.
The Foundations™ Operations & Maintenance Seminar covers the following topics:
- The Importance of Bulk Material Handling
- Conveyor Safety
- Belting: Characteristics and Life Preservation
- Belt Tracking
- Belt Cleaning
- Transfer Points & Loading Zones
- Basic Dust Management
- Return on Investment (ROI) in Conveyor Improvements
With prearrangement, the presentation can be customized to meet attendee-specific requirements and to incorporate local issues and imagery into the discussions.
The Foundations™ Operations and Maintenance Seminars are led by a Martin employee with significant experience working with belt conveyors.
Participants in the Foundations™ Operations & Maintenance Seminars may qualify for CEUs (Continuing Education Units) or PDHs (Professional Development Hours). The course may qualify for credit in partial completion of Parts 46 or 48 Miner Annual Training Requirement.
Foundations™ Operations & Maintenance Workshops are offered as a “restricted” class at a customer facility or as a “public” class usually held at a Martin facility. Costs are determined for the specific session.
To Request Foundations™ Training click here.

Our Center for innovation R&D Facility is one of the Largest and Most Complete in The Bulk Material Handling Industry.
With 22,600 square-feet and numerous employees dedicated every day to furthering improvements and new technologies in our client industries, our Center for Innovation is the place to test your bulk materials in a controlled environment and do full-scale testing of system and component performance.
Bring Your Challenges to the Building Where Earlier Industry-Standard Solutions Were Invented