Operating and Maintaining Clean and Safe Belt Conveyors
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Martin Engineering’s new online educational program Foundations™ Level 2 Operations & Maintenance Training teaches plant operations and maintenance personnel (and their managers) about the belt conveyors used in bulk materials handling.
Participants in this online training learn how conveyors work, how to make them work better and how to work safely around them. They also explore the concept of “Total Material Control” to understand the benefits this philosophy will bring their facility.
Martin’s Foundations™ Level 2 Operations & Maintenance Training is intended for plant personnel charged with working on and around belt conveyors and for the managers of these personnel. The online training program is designed to suit individuals and companies who have difficulty devoting a full day to attending a “classroom” seminar.
The Foundations™ Operations & Maintenance Seminar is divided into nine stand-alone modules:
- Introduction to Total Material Control
- Belt Conveyor Safety
- Belting and Splices
- Belt Alignment
- Belt Cleaning
- Transfer Points (Part 1)
- Transfer Points (Part 2)
- Basic Dust Management
- Leading Edge Conveyor Concepts
Each on-line module—intended for 60 to 120 minutes—is a stand alone audio-visual educational presentation. Modules can be completed in any order. At the completion of each module, participants take a quiz. Passing of the quizzes for all modules earns a certificate of completion for the training.
Course Contents
Contents for the Foundations™ On-Line Training are drawn from the fourth edition of Martin Engineering’s book Foundations™: The Practical Resource for Cleaner, Safer, More Productive Dust & Material Control. Presentations are modeled on the contents of Martin’s classroom training program Foundations™ Level 2 Operation & Maintenance Workshop.
Participants in the Foundations™ online training may qualify for CEUs (Continuing Education Units) or PDHs (Professional Development Hours).
Cost for the entire Foundations™ online training program is $195 per participant. Discounts are available for existing Martin customers, representatives and the academic community. Discounts will be verified with registration. Upon completion of registration, a credit card payment will be required.
For more information on our Foundations™ Training Programs or to schedule training, call 866-327-2064 or click here.

Our Center for innovation R&D Facility is one of the Largest and Most Complete in The Bulk Material Handling Industry.
With 22,600 square-feet and numerous employees dedicated every day to furthering improvements and new technologies in our client industries, our Center for Innovation is the place to test your bulk materials in a controlled environment and do full-scale testing of system and component performance.
Bring Your Challenges to the Building Where Earlier Industry-Standard Solutions Were Invented