Martin® External Wear Liner

Martin® External Wear Liner is installed on the outside of the chute wall, simplifying wear liner inspection and replacement — both without confined-space entry. Improves liner and skirtboard sealing system performance without adding additional conveyor construction cost. The chute wall can be trimmed to avoid material buildup.

Features and Benefits:

  • Allows precision alignment of steel panels to avoid points that entrap material and damage the belt
  • Makes it easier to inspect the liner and it is easier to replace that liner when required - both without confined space entry
  • Because the wear liner is directly against the elastomer sealing system (without skirtboard steel between liner and seal), there is no room for material buildup
  • Improves the performance of the liner and skirtboard sealing system without adding additional cost to conveyor construction

Our technicians and engineers are available to provide expert advice and assistance on this product and all of your bulk material handling questions and problems. Please contact us today and let us help!


Brochure - Conveyor Products Download
Tech Data Sheet - Martin® External Wear Liner Download
Operator Manual - Martin® External Wear Liner Download

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EVO® External Wear Liner Stops Spillage On Belt Feeders
At a generating plant, 5000 tons per day of PRB coal are metered via belt feeder onto conveyors and into the plant's ten bunkers. With surge of material as railcars unload, combined with the high head pressure from the hoppers, the belt feeders suffered extensive spillage. This spillage was compounded by the worn-out condition of the chutes.
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Paper Plant Having Trouble With Fugitive Material
The release of airborne dust can cause health concerns and create negative attention from regulatory agencies. Any material that spills off the conveyor is a loss - loss in material, profit and efficiency. The spillage also creates the need for manual cleanup which takes man-hours and is a dangerous task - putting workers in harm's way.
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Martin Saves Cement Plant $5,000 Per Month In Labor And Equipment
A plant was experiencing major problems with dust and material spillage on their crusher discharge belt coming from the quarry. This required clean up a minimum of once every week. It was also causing premature failure and belt wear due to idlers freezing up. The plant estimated this problem was costing $5,000 per month in labor and equipment costs.
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